Friday, November 24, 2006

*** Im a Walking Zombie ***

After three years, this is my first night in the Night Shift. Yep, that's correct. I'm in the night shift now. And frankly, I am about to drop dead any minute. I can hardly keep my eyes open, and drinking starbucks cofee and coke doesn't help. I never imagined that I would be in the night shift, but then again, there are things that I have to stand up for. This was my choice. So I have to make them see that I can stand this. This is my first day. So its perfectly understandable.

It all started on Tuesday, I came to the office, and wala! There was a "surprise" waiting for me. OM was waiting for me to tell me that she's changing her mind, and wants me to start taking calls again. What the f#@! I thought we already have an understanding that I am not going to take calls again, but well, I guess I thought wrong. She gave me two options, First option would be to take calls again and I will stay on the morning shift OR Second option will be to be STRICTLY emails but my shift will be from 10 pm to 7 am.

I dont wanna take calls anymore. I decided to take the night shift / strictly emails duo rather than the morning shift / calls duo. Why you may ask? Why? I dont know. I really hate working at night. Plus the fact that I'd be missing my babies so much. Nicko's kaka, and Sajie's hugs. I'm sure going to miss it. But then again, I'm only giving myself 1 month, then I'd go. I've sure decided to go. It's just not so worth it anymore.

** to be continued... not myself... super sleepy **

** continuation ***

It's a good thing, the system is down, and I havent done anything since I guess 1 this morning. :D At least, Im not really that "over-worked" Hahaha. What a term! Anyway, at least Starbucks Tofee Nut Latte and Coke worked for me. :D Im not that sleepy anymore. Well, Im not really saying thatit's good combination - but then again, when you're that desperate to stay alive - er, I mean awake - you just get to combine drinks and food.

I miss my kids, and Honeybachoy. I really do. I miss sleeping with them. Although I know that sooner or later I will have to get used to it, but then again, I just miss being with them. :C If I can just resign now, I will probably just go, but then again, I'm not yet ready to leave my job. Hopefully after a month, I will ok. :D

Whatever, still nonesense - this is what you get for not sleeping before work at night. :C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello my friend.. I got a though schedule there. Even I cannot stay the whole night awake. I will surely get Migraine waking up the whole night. Hope you got your schedule back your baby will definitely miss you.