Sunday, October 15, 2006

*** Waaaahhhhh ***

I just wanna shout. I dont think I will get used to this immediately. It will take some time getting used to. It will take some time getting used to see another girl in Carmen's old post. Tsk. Tsk. For almost three years, I was used to seeing the girl with the glasses. Now, there's another girl sitting there. I wonder how the other guys will react to this. Well, whatever. This is just my opinion.

Whew! Wish I will also have the strength to say goodbye to the Ionic Breezes. Yeah, I know I will. And I hope it will be sooner rather than later.


Anonymous said...

waooh!... I cant wait for the next part c",). Can you tell me on the next story what happen to her?

Anonymous said...

Ah I remember you post last September 30, 2006 about something troubling you. Is this the reason why your depress or in a trauma? Just add it to your experience in life it will make you stronger ;-) I'll just wait for your next post of the story. Take Care. c",)

Anonymous said...

I'm very very sorry I Post my comment on the wrong title actually it is for *** One September Night *** or you can remove the two comment i posted.