Friday, April 08, 2005

A Great Man

Yesterday at 6:30pm ET (12:30pm Vatican time), a great man was laid to his final resting place. Pope John Paull II was laid to rest after his 26 years of being the Pontiff of the roman catholic church. I know that deep in our hearts, we will truly, truly miss him.

The crowds broke into the appluase when the casket was carried by the pall bearers inside St. Peter's Basilica. When the casket turned to face the Basilica, I saw the man wearing white, turning his back on us, and walking towards the Basilica. Then he made his one last final bow, and was then carried inside the church. It's just so hard to believe that he's gone. That we won't catch another glimpse of him, we won't see him smile or pray or hug and kiss people. We won't hear his voice anymore.

It's just so sad that my sons won't ble to catch a glimpse of this great man. That they will only be able to hear about this great man in books, and religion classes. However, I know that wherever he is right now, he's in eternal bliss.

We will truly miss you Pope John Paul II, and forever you will be in our hearts...

We love you.. May you rest in Peace.

Johannes Pauli II

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