Full Name: Samuel Jonathan Angel - Dolor
Birthday: April 12, 2003 Time: 6:50 pm Type: Normal
Birthplace: San Pablo City Hospital, San Pablo City, Laguna
Birthweight: 5.5lbs Birthlength: 41 cms
SAMUEL - Origing: Hebrew: Meaning - "asked of God". Friendly, understanding, unselfish. Is full of original ideas which bring him success.
JONATHAN - Origin: Hebrew: Meaning " the Lord's gift". Severe, upright, unforgiving. Possesses a keen sense of duty. His affections are deep and long lived.
The reason behind the name:
It was in the summer of 1999 when I first saw Sam at the basketball court in our village. Honestly, I thought he was his brother so I didn't seem to mind. Take note: We still don't know each other. I just know them because my papa is in the basketball committee so I know the records and was sort of the messanger whenever the sports committee have their meetings...
I saw him frequently because he plays for the "Yellow" Team... we were still not formally introduced - so in short - I still see him from afar. One April night, as I went home after a basketball game, I kept thinking about his name. Sam... sounds 'bitin'.. don't you think? 'Ano kaya real nama niya'?
That night, I had a dream... siguro it was from my consciousness na ren. In my dream, Sam and I were happy and we were out somewhere. It seems like we have known each other for so long.. and that we were so comfortable with each other... I asked him what his real name is and he said 'SAMUEL JONATHAN'. So from that night... I honestly though that his real name is SAMUEL JONATHAN...I mentioned this to my friends.. They concluded that maybe this will be the name of my firstborn son. So from that day, I vowed that when the time comes that I will have a baby boy, I will name him Samuel Jonathan and that Sajie will be his nickname.
A year after, In the summer of 2000, still in the basketball court... Sam and I were formally introduced. Then I got to talk to him on the phone. I had the chance to ask him what his real name is.. He said 'Sam lang talaga ang real name ko...'.. Then I asked him 'Bakit JOJO ang tawag sa yo?'... He said.. 'Sam John kase ang totoong pangalan ko...'
Hmmm.... coincidence or destiny? What do you think?
Full Name: Niccolai Joseph Angel - Dolor
Birthday: December 12, 2005 Time: 8:15 am Type: Normal
Birthplace: Immaculate Conception Hospital, San Pablo City, Laguna
Birthweight: 5.5lbs Birthlength: 48 cms
NICCOLAI - Origin: Slavic - Meaning: "Victorious People" Popular, amusing, hardworking, competent. Is inclined to be selfish and to worry unduly.
JOSEPH - Origin: Hebrew - Meaning: "addition". Another form is Joe. Honest, successful, simple. Lacks originality but remains placid and clear, thinking when others panic.
The reason behind the name:
I have always wanted the name Simon Joseph. So the name will also begin in S and J. Plus, this is also a combination of our father's name, english version. Simon will be from Sam's father, Simeon, while Joseph will be from my daddy, Jose. But I wasnt really sure if I was going to have another boy because I wanted so much to have a girl.
Insisting that my baby was a girl, we were going to give her the name 'Angela Franchesca', derived from my name. However, when I went to the doctor for my ultrasound, it turned out that I was having another baby boy!
That night, since we found out that it was already a boy, Sam and I were lying in bed thinking of a name. Sam started babbling names that were far from Simon. He said he wanted something different. Something that can be derived from my name. He started saying weird names and I just can't help but laugh. We didn't notice the time. It was already 1:30 in the morning when he blurted out 'Niccolai'. I thought it was weird, but there was a cute ring to it. Then my baby gave a kick when I asked him if he wanted the name Niccolai. Hence the name, Niccolai.
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