Thursday, July 21, 2011

For the Benefit of my Utmost Curiosity

Pardon my utmost curiosity, but does true love really exist between two people who is in a relationship with the same sex?

I frankly admire those people who are in the "same sex" relationship. Especially those who have been together for a long time. How do they get along so well? Is it because they have the same needs and wants? Or is it because they understand their issues well because they have the same wave length?

What is the difference between a relationship between the same sex and between the opposite gender? Is there really such a big difference?

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against same sex relationships. I came from an exclusive school, and has been exposed to that type of environment.

And how come there are a lot of people who just choose to engage in such relationships instead of being in an opposite gender relationship? Yes, it can be preference, but then again, I know of a lot of people who just choose to be in that type of relationship for fear of being hurt again.

I know of a friend who, because of a bad experience with a guy that she had a relationship with, just chose to have a relationship with the same sex.

How do they make it work? How do they make it last?

As we all know, relationships are hard work. And still that thought still eludes me.