Monday, February 12, 2007

*** L-O-S-T ***

Current mood: Depressed

I'd never thought that I'd be this lost. You know, when that certain mood strikes you, and everything's just not going well. You have this fear in your heart, you're more pressured than ever, and everything else seems to be a little bit complicated than ever. I've been through so much in my life. And there were a lot of times, i felt this feeling. It just seems to be neverending. And until you find the resolution, you know it's not going to stop. Sometimes it just doesnt stop.

I feel bad about having to write this. But I just need to let go. No, I have to let go. Let go of the emotions. Just let go. You know. Not everytime that I want to talk or cry, somebody is willing to listen. It's just not that simple anymore. Everybody is not here anymore. My closest friends are abroad, i haven't seen my best friend in years. And, you know, I guess everybody's too busy for the little things. That sort of stuff. Nyah! I know, I know, but I guess, that's the way it goes for all of us.

I feel that everything's up to my neck now. I'm choking in my despair. I feel like I have been floating...nope, I guess I really am floating...